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Do the Supreme Court and High Courts of Pakistan have Unlimited Regulatory/Administrative Authorities Alongside their Judicial Mandate within the state?

The question, Whether the Supreme Court and High Courts of Pakistan have unlimited regulatory/administrative authorities in expansion to their legal …

How It's Dangerous to Always Have People Around You Who Agree with Everything You Say?

"Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer" is written by Michael A. Roberto How It's Dangerous to Always Have People Around…

Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back

"The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back" by James Waldroop, Ph.D., and Timothy Butler, Ph.D.  The Book "The 12 Bad Habits That H…

Is the Jumma Prayer Sermon could be Delivered in the Local Language rather than Arabic?

Yesterday a member of a Research Scholar WhatsApp group asked the above subject question in the group. What responded and replied by me, is given bel…


[A viewpoint regardless of whether Imran Khan is right or wrong and without any party bias.] The former Prime Minister (PTI Chairman) Imran Khan was …

Contemporary Chaos and Disorder: Understanding the Causes – Islamic and Modern Perspectives

The prevailing contemporary "chaos" and "disorder" have many different connotations and applications. We will examine multiple me…

We must Revisit the Constitution of Pakistan, our Parliamentary and Administrative System and get rid of Western Democracy Ensuring the Principle of Unity of Command.

For many days, a tussle between the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Parliament of Pakistan regarding holding of elections  for the recently dissolv…

ملازمت کے شعبے میں پاکستانی یونیورسٹیوں کے فضلاکی پیداواری شرح کی موجودہ صورت حال

روزگار کے شعبے میں پاکستانی یونیورسٹیوں  کے فارغ التحصیل افراد کی پیداواری شرح کئی سالوں سے تشویش کا موضوع ہے۔ ہائر ایجوکیشن کمیشن آف پاکستان (ایچ …

Curriculum of Religious Madrasah’s and Their Graduate's Productivity in Job Market

Madrasahs are Educational Institutes that are established in numerous Muslim-majority countries. The essential objective of these madrassahs is to im…

The Very Purpose of Appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Prophet

Image by Abdullah Shakoor The appointment of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a Prophet by Allah (God) was a significant event in the history …