The Actual Demand of Islam to human being - External Appearance or Character?

Islam, being one of the most widely followed religions in the world, has its own set of beliefs, principles, and values. One of the most important principles that Islam emphasizes is the significance of character development. Muslims are encouraged to exhibit good character in their daily lives, and it is believed that good character is the key to success in this world and the Hereafter. However, some people tend to prioritize external appearance over character, which goes against the actual demand of Islam.

Holy Prophet(may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) states;
عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه- مرفوعاً: "إنَّ الله لا ينْظُرُ إِلى أجْسَامِكُمْ، ولا إِلى صُوَرِكمْ، وَلَكن ينْظُرُ إلى قُلُوبِكمْ وأعمالكم۔" (رواہ الصحیح مسلم)  

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said:
''Allah does not look at your bodies or at your forms, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds."

This Hadith clearly emphasizes that external appearance and material possessions do not matter in the eyes of Allah. Instead, what matters is the purity of one's heart and the righteousness of their deeds. Allah does not reward based on bodies and forms (Appearances), nor does anyone get closer to Him by such means. However, anyone gets rewarded based on sincerity, truthfulness, and righteous deeds.

Islam teaches that the beauty of one's character is what truly defines one as a person. Muslims are expected to exhibit traits such as kindness, compassion, honesty, generosity, and humility, among others. These traits should be exhibited in all aspects of life, including dealings with others, how one conducts themselves in private, and how one treats their own family members.

It is important to note that Islam does not discourage people from taking care of their external appearance. Muslims are encouraged to keep themselves clean, dress modestly, and take care of their physical health. However, these external practices are mostly based on local culture and general practices and should not be prioritized over character development.

In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself placed a great emphasis on character development. He stated,
"The most beloved of Allah's servants to Him are those with the best manners."
He also said, 
"I have only been sent to perfect good manners." These statements show how important character development is in Islam.

Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was known for his excellent character. He was known for his kindness, humility, and compassion toward all people, regardless of their religion or background. His character was a shining example for all Muslims to follow.

Islam also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and mercy. Muslims are encouraged to forgive others, even when it is difficult, and to show mercy towards all living beings. This includes animals, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that even the smallest act of kindness towards an animal is rewarded by Allah.

In Islam, it is believed that character development is a lifelong journey. Muslims are expected to constantly strive to improve their character and become better individuals. This includes acknowledging and correcting their own flaws and seeking forgiveness from Allah for any wrongdoings.

One of the most important ways to develop good character in Islam is through the practice of worship. Muslims are encouraged to perform their daily prayers, give charity, fast during the month of Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to Mecca if possible. These practices help to develop a strong connection with Allah and increase one's faith, which in turn helps to improve their character.

It is important to note that character development is not just for Muslims, but for all people. Good character is a universal trait that is valued in all cultures and religions. However, Islam provides a clear framework for how to develop good character and encourages Muslims to prioritize it in their daily lives. 

It must be noted that external practices and appearance can be influenced by culture, and character traits are universally valued and required for individuals to be considered morally upright and respectable, regardless of their cultural background.

External appearance and practices can vary widely across different cultures, such as dress codes, hairstyles, and grooming habits. These practices may be influenced by various factors, such as climate, tradition, and societal norms. However, the development of good character is a universal value that is recognized across cultures and religions.

For example, honesty, kindness, respect, and compassion are universally valued character traits that are recognized as positive and desirable by people of all cultural backgrounds. These traits are not specific to any one culture or religion, but rather are considered to be universally important for individuals to exhibit in their daily lives.

Furthermore, the emphasis on character development in Islam is not limited to any particular culture, but rather applies to all individuals who follow the religion. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of good character as a key component of being a Muslim, and Muslims from all parts of the world strive to develop their character in accordance with Islamic teachings.

In short, Islam emphasizes the importance of character development over external appearance. The core importance is of Character and Muslims are encouraged to exhibit good character traits such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and humility in all aspects of their lives, while external appearance and practices are the local cultural issues. Islam gives some basic guidelines and principles in this regard just.

It must be noted that external practices such as the appearance of the human form, grooming, cleanliness, and modest dress or clothing are also no less important, but should not be prioritized over character development. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) placed a great emphasis on character development, and his own character serves as a shining example for all Muslims to follow. Good character is a universal trait that is valued in all cultures and religions, and Islam provides a clear framework for how to develop it.

In conclusion, while external practices and appearance may be influenced by culture, good character traits are universally recognized as important and required for individuals to be considered morally upright and respectable. The emphasis on character development in Islam is not limited to any particular culture, but rather applies to all individuals who follow the religion.

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